Summer Rain

By Lauren D
I went on a mission trip to Tennessee with my church youth group last summer. We worked on several houses that belonged to eldery and low-income families. We spent the week painting, cleaning, clearing debris, and making repairs. After one of our work days, we went back to where we were staying to take showers and get out of our work clothes. When everyone was done, we went outside to play Frisbee until it was time to meet up with the leaders and go to dinner and Chapel.
After about ten minutes of play time, we were hit by one of those summer downpours. It felt so good just running around without a care in the world, it was amazing. The rain eventually started slowing down and then came to a stop, all of the teens were sitting in a circle on top of a hill. We started talking about what a blessing water is. One of the other things we were doing while on this trip was collecting money for a charity that builds wells all around the world. We spent some time wondering how many lives could be saved by bottling up the water from just one rainy day.
I think we get too used to having water whenever we want it. We don't appreciate what a real blessing it is. Not only can we drink as much as we want, we don't have to worry about getting sick from drinking it. My friends and I agreed to hold each other accountable for not wasting water all during this trip, and even after we got home. We agreed to try and continue to support people who are bringing clean water to those who don't have it.
So here I am, asking you to help Ginny and her friends this month as they try to raise money for charity: water. So that they can go build some more wells for families who don't have clean water. Ask yourself... then go and ask all of your friends and family:
How important it is to you to have clean water?
Then ask yourself (and others) how much you could sacrifice to help to provide that same blessing for other people around the world. It doesn't matter what the dollar amount is. Every little bit helps. You may only be able to give a few dollars, but if you can get all of your friends and family to donate, too, all together it can really add up.
Go. I challenge you to make a difference in the life of a family. Be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Lauren is finishing her freshman year in high school. She loves drama, music, crazy nails, frogs and anything green. She's not a "get your hands in the dirt and dance with bugs" kind of person, but if you need someone to love on your kids or scrub your walls, she's your girl. Like most teens, her life pretty much revolves around school work and friends, but she has a huge heart for Jesus and takes every opportunity to serve His kingdom.

Reader Comments (1)
I love your passion Lauren! You are exactly right. Every little bit helps.