
Something to Think About
Go... Make a Difference

Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Is The Food In That Mystery Container Still Good?

I am one of those people who pays close attention to expiration dates. Especially when it comes to eggs and meat. I'm probably more neurotic about it than I need to be, but I don't like to play guessing games with my family's health. Still Tasty is an awesome website that talks about how long foods last and how to store them. I highly recommend it!


Supplements and Vitamins

By MAD21

It has been recommended that if you are trying to lose weight, and therefore are restricting calories, you should take a multivitamin (they tend to make me sick, so I take Flinstone’s complete-my Dr recommended it.) But be careful to not go overboard with this. Most of our foods contain all the vitamins we need. If you take too much of certain vitamins, it can make you sick or cause other problems.


Recipe Resources

By MAD21

Have you ever found yourself trying to decide what to make for a meal, and you only have a few food items to choose from because you haven't gone grocery shopping in two weeks? Cook Think is a great website where you can go and type in a food or spice and it will give you recipe ideas that include those ingredients. I've used it several times and have found some new favorites that our family likes to eat. Try it out: is a site that will let you do recipe searches across several different recipe sites. It's a brand new site that is still being tested. They want you to sign in with your email and a password before accessing their site, but it's worth a try.


Atlanta Family Helps Kids in Kenya 

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

This is the story of Emily Blake who decided to make God proud. The story has been circulating among us advocates for awhile as we love to hear stories like this and the impact it can make.

Go check it out. Let it enourage you to think about what you and your family can do to make a difference in someone's life.


Guest Book

We finally got the "Guest Book" up and running! Please sign it and let us know you were here and what you think about the site.
