
Something to Think About
Go... Make a Difference

Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Why Do Nice Girls Go For Jerks?

I have gone for some really horrible guys in the past that really didn't seem like jerks at first. I think what confuses guys the most about this predicament is why girls, after realizing that the guy is in fact a jerk, stay with that guy or keep coming back to him.

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A Princess Finds Her Prince

By EM-Age 5

Once upon a time, there was a princess, whose name was Alice. She lived in a castle with five kittens and a dog. She had a sister named Lucy, and another sister named Alison, and she loved them a whole lot.  They loved to play hide-and-seek and play outside with their mother. The Queen said, "It's time to go in." And the girls said, "Ok." So the Queen made lunch, and they had peanut butter and jelly and they had chips and all kinds of good stuff. Then they took a walk. They walked up and down the street, they walked  and walked until they found a prince for each one of them. And they said, "Will you marry us"? And they said, "Yes." So they went to the castle and they got married. And lived happily ever after.

The End


Through the Eyes of a Child

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

I am a child sponsor and now an Advocate for Compassion. It was not always that way. It took looking into my sponsored child's eyes to see what my mission should be. My wife and I have sponsored Linda in Honduras for the last several years. We felt we were doing a "good thing." Our monthly support was automatically deducted from our account and we wrote letters once in a while. Not a lot of effort or energy on our part but we felt we were helping.

In June of 2006 we were contacted about taking a Sponsor Tour to Honduras and meeting our child. We of course wanted to go and thought it would be neat to meet the child we were sponsoring. Maybe our visit would be "inspirational and encouraging" to her. I sit here now thinking God must have been laughing at that one.

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Health Disclaimer

By MAD21

In regards to posting articles on health and fitness, I need to metion that first, I am not a doctor. If you have any questions concerning this information, please ask your doctor. This is all material I have researched myself over the past five years during my weight-loss/get healthy journey. During this time I’ve had two kids, was diagnosed with a medical disorder, had one surgery, bronchitis that lasted for four months, two broken ribs, and an injured knee. My heaviest weight was 240, and I worked very, very hard to lose 100 pounds. It took me a year and a half to get most of it off, and I’ve kept it off for almost three years. I’ve tried to find the most accurate information put out by doctors, medical associations and government offices. I hope you find this a good place to start. Feel free to research it all yourself. In fact, I encourage you to do so and then share what you find with me. I do not believe in fad diets, or in cutting any one type of food out, or depriving ourselves of our favorite foods/desserts. Our bodies need it all, sugar, fat, salt, carbs, etc. I pray you will be as blessed on your journey as I have been on mine.


Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus

By MAD21

Within this section we will call attention to children, teens, adults, and organizations that have stepped forward and made a difference for The Kingdom, for God's people. We are biblically called to be “the hands and feet” of Jesus in the world. Often we get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget our true calling. It is our hope that by highlighting some of the people that step up we can all become better Christians.