
Something to Think About
about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Family Life (66)


The Gospel According to Seuss

By Michelle (Graceful, Faith in the Everyday)

When my son Rowan settles on a favorite book, he likes to read it five, six, ten times in a row, night after night after night. Most recently it’s been The Lorax. I glimpse him heading toward the bed, cornflower blue cover of The Lorax wedged under his arm, and I grit my teeth and commence meditative breathing.

I admit, I don’t love Dr. Seuss. All that silly rhyming and nonsensical tongue-twisting syntax. The googly-googs and the moodly-woobs, the wiffle-wambas and the schissle-schambas. It’s all just too much for me. Really, after a long day of work and dishes, laundry and homework, epic dust-bunny battles and sorting stacks of mail and backpack debris, I’m expected to perform linguistic cartwheels, too? I’ll be frank:  I’ve been known to slide The Lorax, Green Eggs & Ham and The Birthday Bird beneath the dusty, crumby underbelly of the couch, where no man or child dares go. I’ve also carted a few in the Seuss oeuvre to the Goodwill. Let some other mother, the one with infinite patience and a more limber tongue, deal with Thing One and Thing Two.

Last week, though, during the 101st reading of The Lorax, the good Doctor got me thinking. In between descriptions of Brown Bar-ba-loots and Truffula fruits, I read this:

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It Was A Good One

By Ginny (MAD21)

My desire to remain in my own reality and have Christmas vacation last forever has come to an unfortunate end. I tried ignoring the fact that time was screaming by at a completely unfair speed, but it just didn't work. Hubby is back at work and the girls go back to school tomorrow. I'm left with... well, everything else.

We had a lot of prayers and wishes answered in the last two weeks:

We got to take the girls to their first real show at a theater. We went to see The Voices of Christmas at the Living Waters Theater in Pennsylvania (part of The Sight and Sound Theater). I'm not sure if I had more fun watching the show, or watching my girls watch it. It was truly a blessing on all counts.

We got to go to the Udvar-Hazy Center (part of the National Air and Space Museum) and see some really amazing aircraft such as the Enola Gay and the Enterprise (no, not the one from StarTrek!). This was a fun adventure in general, but the museum has special meaning to my hubby and I. Before the collection of aircraft was brought together at the Center in 2003, it was located in what can only be described as a giant warehouse that looked like someone's garage. It was called the Garber Restoration and Storage Facility. It was the first place my hubby and I ever went to together as a social thing before we got married, or were technically even dating.

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A Savior Is Born!

By Ginny (MAD21)

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. I pray that each of you feels the amazing love and peace Christ gives, no matter what life has handed you this year.


In Excess

By Michelle (Graceful, Faith in the Everyday)

My kids are hoarders. Rocks, shells, SillyBandz, Bendarooz, marbles, spare change -- you name it, if it comes in multiples, they horde it.

This, you should know, drives me insane. I hate clutter, of course. I hate piles of junk and stacks of papers and counters littered with debris. Clutter literally depletes my energy. I can't relax, I can't function, until everything is in its proper place...or in the trash. I am the Queen of the Toss-Out.

An experiment conducted by the confirmation class at my church, however, made me realize that perhaps I'm not immune to hoarding tendencies after all. My pastor suggested the confirmation kids film snippets of their lives that point to excess -- as an example, she filmed her tea collection: tea in the kitchen cupboards, in canisters on the counter, more boxes stashed in drawers. Passionate about tea, Pastor Sara has enough of it in her house to last months.

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Jonah and Second Chances

Ginny (MAD21)

A good friend of mine sent me a link to this video. I have to say it's the best rendition I have ever heard of the story of Jonah. It's just more proof that God can work through people, no matter what age they are. This little girl is truly blessed with the ability to tell a story. I pray that she can continue to share the love of Christ all throughout her life. With a voice like that, people will listen.

The story of Jonah from Corinth Baptist Church on Vimeo.

"...and a little child shall lead them." (Isaiah 11:6)