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about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
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Let us not become weary in doing
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reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Fingerprint Friday (56)


Fingerprint Friday: Rainbow Endings

By Ginny (MAD21)

The girls and I were on our way home from a pretty perfect day with friends last week when I looked out my window and spied this fingerprint. We were so excited, and just couldn't believe our eyes. It was the most amazing rainbow I believe I have ever seen. It was solid from beginning to end, top to bottom. You could even see a few shades of purple!! Definitely a perfect ending to a perfect day.

Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.


Fingerprint Friday: Gardens

By Ginny (MAD21)

If you have been around me much for the last month, you know how hard I've been working on our flowerbeds and yard. I wasn't able to do a whole lot last year because of all the excavations being done to our property, so it was long overdue for some major work. Several of the bushes I planted after the excavations were finished last fall had died, too, only adding to the workload. Fortunately the store agreed to replace them, but that still means I have more work.

Honestly, I have thoroughly enjoyed all the hard work. I've never been much of a gardener, but I've learned a lot over the years. It's more fun than I thought it would be (aside from the weeds, and bugs!!). Several years ago, I planted two varieties of Lilies. When I bought them they were really cheap, really small, and several of them didn't grow back in the second year. But in the years since they have totally taken hold and have not only come back each season, they are multiplying like crazy and are just beautiful.

The Lilies I planted in the front bed that started out as just a few plants, have multiplied enough I have been able to plant them all around the flowerbed. The picture on the top right is the plant I am most excited about.... it has 16, yes SIXTEEN flowers on ONE stem. I have never seen that happen. The one on the bottom right is one of the plants that didn't come back the second year. I think it's safe to say it's doing great now! There is a life-lesson in there somewhere, I'm sure. It's amazing how something so weak and small can, after lots of love and attention, end up so beautiful and fruitful.

Everything is actually just about finished. I have one more round of weeding to do (can anyone tell me why God created those?!); as soon as our replacement bushes have arrived I will get them in the ground; and we are putting the mulch down on Saturday. I don't think I've ever been happier with how everything looks around our house. It only took 11 years!

Many years of hard work in the yard have taught me several things. One thing is that no matter how much we work at something, like growing grass from seed, or planting bushes and flowers, we can't force life into something. God wants us to work, we have a role in this world, but we always need to remember that He is the one who gives things life. He is the only one who can give life. It's one of his fingerprints, and one I am very, very thankful for.

Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.


Fingerprint Friday: Clean Water

By Ginny (MAD21)

Here in Maryland we have somehow missed late spring/early summer weather. We went from 50-60 degree weather to 90-95 and humid in just a matter of a week or two. But to put things into perspective, all we have to do is turn on our local news and suddenly we are thankful for such "miserable conditions." After seeing images of entire towns being completely wiped out in a matter of minutes by all the tornadoes our country has seen in the last month or so it makes one a lot more thankful.

I think most of us in general don't think about how fortunate we are in our every day lives. But put an entire area into a situation like the devastation caused by all the tornadoes, and people are quickly confronted with the harsh reality of how fast it can all be taken away. One day you go to work and have a "normal" day, the next, not only are your house and all of your belongings gone, but you no longer have a job either because your place of employment also no longer exists. Suddenly you aren't asking what you are going to have for dinner that night, you are in crisis mode because there is no food to eat, or water to drink at all... for you or your family, or your friends and neighbors. People who are used to living in our society with everything at their fingertips are suddenly thrushed into living in survival mode and just looking for the barest of necessities. Much like how a lot of people around the world are living, except for them, this is the normal. And they don't have access to enough food or clean water... at all.

My oldest had a service project with her class last week. We went to one of our local public playgrounds and planted flowers. Everyone brought with them at least a gallon of water to pour on the flowerbeds once we were done. As I stood watching the kids work, I looked over at all of the gallons of water and I was struck by how much we take advantage of having clean water. No one there that day probably even gave it a second thought about what an incredible blessing it was to have as much of it as we wanted... and not only to drink, but to pour onto the flowers in the ground... something that is unimaginable to a person living places like Kenya, Ethiopia or Uganda.

Next week I'm going to be sharing about an important project we are part of for the month of June. I can't wait to tell you about an amazing opportunity we have to help those who don't have access to clean water.

Clean water... definitely one of God's fingerprints.

Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.


Fingerprint Friday: Dog Hair?

By Ginny (MAD21)

So I asked my husband where he saw God's fingerprints today. His answer may surprise you. I know it did me. In fact, it took me about 15 minutes before I understood what he was trying to say.

He began speaking about the newness that spring brings... The leaves are full and the shadows are darker now because the leaves on the trees are almost fully grown. But leaves and colorful flowers appearing are not the only sign of renewal. They also appear in the most unlikely (and annoying) of places. Like our carpet.

My husband said that while most people think that piles of dog hair all over the carpet is just a sign that it isn't cleaned often enough (it is if you ask me!), he thinks that it also symbolizes something else.

Dog owners know that during spring and early summer, in just a matter of minutes, the carpet you just spent a half hour vacuuming can once again be covered in dog hair. One tummy rub, one romp on the floor wrestling around can result in a blizzard of hair with piles of fur left behind (much to my dismay!).

My hubby says we can also think of shedding season as a life-lesson, and see it for what it really is (me: a mess? more work?). He said, dog's also get to experience renewal. A fresh coat. A new start.  Shedding the old and growing new. Some dogs experience continued renewal (i.e., shed all year, no thanks!), others experience dramatic renewal (i.e, nothing and then all at once = lots of time outside!). We should recognize God can do the same thing in all of our lives. Continued renewal by fixing the little day-to-day things, as well as sudden moments of change.

As funny as it was to think my husband was seeing dog hair all over the floor as one of God's fingerprints, I'm thankful that he is someone who can see something funny, and something we can learn... and recognizes the fact that it's nearly impossible for me to keep our floors clean this time of year.

Ok, lesson learned... I'm off to vacuum... again.

Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.


Fingerprint Friday: A Child's Perspective

By Ginny (MAD21)

My daughters love to take off with my camera. It's great to live in the age of digital cameras that make it possible for them to take as many pictures as they want without worry of the cost of film and developing.

My family attended an outdoor college graduation last weekend. The weather was spectacular and we had the best "seats" in the grass next to the field. The girls could watch the events if they wanted or just run around and play. My youngest decided to take my camera and wander around and take pictures of things that interested her.

I love to see the pictures that the girls take. I am amazed at how many times they get some really good shots of things we would normally pass by.

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