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(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Rainbows (2)


Fingerprint Friday: Rainbow Endings

By Ginny (MAD21)

The girls and I were on our way home from a pretty perfect day with friends last week when I looked out my window and spied this fingerprint. We were so excited, and just couldn't believe our eyes. It was the most amazing rainbow I believe I have ever seen. It was solid from beginning to end, top to bottom. You could even see a few shades of purple!! Definitely a perfect ending to a perfect day.

Fellow blogger Beki at The Rusted Chain has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.



By Pat

God's promise to Noah and his sons in Genesis 9 was a rainbow, which represented God's covenant to HIs people. I think of God and that promise every time I see a rainbow, and it always lifts my spirits and reminds me of God's love for me and His everlasting presence in my life. But rainbows are few and far between, aren't they? So in my everyday comings and goings, I look for the other "rainbows" God sends throughout my unexpected phone call from a friend, just the right song at the right time, words that are just the ones I needed to hear. The way my heart lifts when I see a beautiful tree in bloom, or the smell of a rose. Countless rainbows, with probably countless others that I don't even notice. God doesn't need to shout at us to get out attention. All He has to do is send each of us our own personal rainbows to remind us that we, like Noah, are never out of God's sight or far from His love.