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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Samaritan's Purse (22)


A Boy Who Overcame Terrifying Events And Became A Mentor

In a previous article, I wrote about one of my favorite ministries, Samaritan's Purse. They recently posted a great article about a 27-year-old boy named Sarko who overcame terrifying events in his life that left him handicapped an orphaned. In "Turning Brokenness Into Blessing" they share:

"The morning of March 16, 1988, started out like any other for young Sarko. He climbed aboard the bus for the ride to school, eager to meet up with friends from his kindergarten class. Several minutes later, there was a massive explosion and screaming. The bus with 30 children aboard had been hit by a missile...he found out he was the only child in the bus who had survived....[and] All of Sarko’s immediate family was dead. His parents and 10 brothers and sisters had been killed in poisonous gas attacks launched on Halabja by Saddam’s military forces on the same day as the bus bombing..."

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The Graham's And Samaritan's Purse

As I was growing up, my family occasionally watched Billy Graham when he was on TV. I've never been much for watching 'televangelists.' Not that some of them aren't genuinely doing amazing things to bring people to Christ. Just that it wasn't very personal for me as an individual. Plus, there were too many other distractions watching it from my living room.

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