
Something to Think About
about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Samaritan's Purse (22)


Prescription for Hope, Part 2

By MAD21

A few weeks ago I posted Part 1 of my interview with Ashley Wagoner from Prescription for Hope, Samaritan's Purse. A wonderful organization that works with people all around the world to help those affected by and infected with AIDS/HIV. They bring them health care, educational programs, and the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. As promised, here is Part 2 of this series. Thanks again to Ashley and her team for taking the time to talk with us about their experiences.

Prescription For Hope

MAD21: In the communities around the world where PFH ministers to people who suffer from HIV/AIDS, what is the general view of life itself? What kind of value do they place on an individual’s life? Since so many of the people who are infected are outcast from their communities, does anyone care if they live or die?

Ashley: The outlook on life differs, and is dependent on each country where we work. We do come across all sorts of stigmas, mainly due to lack of knowledge about the disease. For example, in many areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, there is a prevailing myth that AIDS is a curse from the ancestral gods. Those who have AIDS are then quarantined, and left to live out their lives in isolation, without true knowledge of the disease. Becoming HIV-positive in these societies can be a lot like receiving a death sentence.

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Prescription for Hope, Part 1

By MAD21

A few months ago, I posted an awesome interview I had with Stacey Wilson from Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child. I was recently blessed with another opportunity to interview someone from a different group within Samaritan's Purse called, Prescription for Hope. I was less familiar with this group so when I had the chance to talk with them, I was happy to do so if anything to learn more about it myself.

Thanks so much to Ashley Wagoner and everyone else at Prescription for Hope who may have helped put these answers together. I pray they will be richly blessed for taking the time to talk with us.

This interview will be a 2-part series. I hope you enjoy it, but mostly I pray that you learn something, and that it will encourage you to act. To love the "untouchables" as has God has loved us.

Prescription For Hope

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Butterfly Boxes

By MAD21

Please watch this video of how one little girl's legacy is Making A Difference. The video says it all:


Calling All Shoeboxes!!

By MAD21

The time is drawing near for Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan's Purse) to begin collecting those shoeboxes. Don't know what that means? Read: "The Graham's and Samaritan's Purse," "Got Boxes?" "A Boy Who Overcame Terrifying Events," or go straight to OCC.

The blog Becoming Last just posted a YouTube video of a boy who had just received his box. If you haven't ever packed a box in the past because you didn't think it mattered much, go watch this child's joy before he's even opened it. It will change your mind.

A new really cool thing this year? They now have the ability to track some of the boxes, so you can find out  where your shoebox ended up!

Now, go to the OCC site to find out where your nearest drop off location is, get a bunch of friends and family together and have a box party. Get packin'! Make a Difference in a child's life.


Got Boxes?

By MAD21

By now you all know what a fan I am of Samaritan Purse's program called, Operation Christmas Child (OCC). I have written before about the organization and the Graham's in a previous article. I was privileged with the opportunity to talk with a great woman named Stacey Wilson from OCC last month. The time of year to begin putting boxes together is coming very soon. Please read and consider how many boxes you and your friends and family could do this year.

How do you explain to people what you do for a living?

For the many people who pack shoe box gifts, when I mention that I work for Operation Christmas Child, their faces light up, and they start asking questions right away. For those who are not familiar with the project or Samaritan's Purse, I explain that I work on the public relations team for a Christian international relief organization that encourages people to pack empty shoe boxes with small gift items for needy children around the world - and that we share the Gospel along with those gifts.

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