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War and Collapsed Ecosystems

War effects everything. People, economy, job markets, and yes, ecosystems. An article in The Atlantic by Delphine Schrank called "Under the Weight of Congo's Civil War, An Ecosystem Collpses" discusses the incessant war in the Congo and how it's just leaving nothing behind. She says "...the internecine wars of eastern Congo have acquired a haunting familiarity: rebels plunder the country’s natural riches, and the looting feeds a cycle of impoverishment, corruption, and violence. But in Vitshumbi, more-elemental changes have been complicating the pattern. The hippopotamuses started falling first. Then the elephants. And now the fish are disappearing, too. An ecosystem seems to be unraveling."


Do CEO's Matter?

Personally, I'd say, "Yes!" I mean a business can continue without it's original investors/creators, but they are never the same. The Atlantic has an article that discusses Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, and his health and the influence it has had over the company. Not to mention the people trying to take advantage of the situation. Not cool.


Children's Brains Wired Differently Than Adults

Did we really need a study to prove this? I think any parent would have guessed this in a heart-beat. MSNBC reports on a study that states that, "Findings could be used to develop treatments for disorders."


Tis The Season For Lyme's Disease

With the warmer weather, and more people out in it, we need to remember to be cautious about those little bugs called ticks (ew!). MSNBC posted a story about a sad ending to one woman's life effected by Lyme's Disease, that could have been avoided if the Dr's had caught it sooner, "All She Lost: My Sister's Battle with Lyme's Disease."


Hubble's Last Hug

MSNBC reports on the last work to be done on the Hubble before the crew leaves, "Spacewalkers Give Hubble it's Last Hug."