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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Woman Who Named Pluto Dies at 90

The New Yor Times reports, the woman who named the planet Pluto, Venetia Phair, dies at the age of 90. Even though they have tried to demote the planet, there are still people in the space industry that are arguing over what defines a planet.


What Makes Us Happy?

The Atlantic webzine gas posted information from a Harvard study performed over 72 years to find out, "What Makes Us Happy?"

"They followed 268 men who entered college in the late 1930s through war, career, marriage and divorce, parenthood and grandparenthood, and old age. Here, for the first time, a journalist gains access to the archive of one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history."


Five Fast Food Restaurants To Feel Good About

Looking for some restaurants that offer healthy options? Lifehacker has five suggestions:  "Five Fast Food Restaurants to Feel Good About."


Ginger Helps Ease Nausea in Cancer Patients

Stumbled on this story today on MSNBC, "Ginger Helps Ease Nausea in Cancer Patients." I can say from first hand experience that the Aurora Brand of Crystallized Ginger is a pure God send (pills and soda did nothing for me). From being sick through my whole first pregnancy, to the everyday problems coming from car-sickness, flu, meds that cause you to feel nauseous, etc.

Crystallized ginger is the only thing that made the nausia go away. Including the meds the Dr's gave me. If you have any issues with your gut at all, I HIGHLY recommend you try it.


If You Need A Good Laugh...

Ok. Talk about enjoying the simple things in life... check out this hilarious "Laughing Baby" on YouTube.