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Entries in Year of the Birthday (68)


YOB: #16. Try To Meet Someone Famous

By Beth

I am a big fan of food. Perhaps this is why I also hate size two people and avoid them by going to the beach in the winter. The older I get, the more exercise I have to do to burn off the food I eat so I don’t end up weighing three tons. I think eventually I’ll have to accomplish everything on my daily to do list in exercise form. That or stop eating.

Being a fan of food, I watch the Food Network regularly. I was introduced to the show Ace of Cakes years ago while watching reruns. I couldn’t believe that what I was seeing was an actual cake! It was amazing, the people on the show were hilarious and I was hooked. It used to be a regular Tuesday night thing for my mom and me, sometimes the kids too. Now that we have DVR, I can watch it anytime I want. Duff Goldman is funny and amazingly talented. Mary Alice is awesome and Geoff, although quiet, has a dry wit to him that I find so attractive!

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YOB: #10. See Some Ridiculously Exciting Fireworks

By Beth

When I look at the Year of the Birthday list, it is easy to see where some of the ideas came from. Some came from our own individual lists of things we'd always wanted to do; some are on there simply because they'd make a good story, some ideas sprouted other ideas and some are from Veggie Tales songs. For the life of me, I cannot remember where "see some ridiculously exciting fireworks" came from. So, unfortunately, I have no amusing back-story to go along with this article. Many apologies, I will try to include a witty history in my next submission.

That being said, it is important to note that the specific item is: see some RIDICULOUSLY EXCITING fireworks. No simple, run-of-the-mill display would do It had to be enormous and loud and of course, ridiculously exciting! It has apparently been a while since Lara has seen a decent fireworks display and when we were discussing where we would go to see these ridiculously exciting fireworks, she said that ANYTHING would be better than what she normally sees.

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YOB: #12. Painting Daisies On A Big Red Rubber Ball

By Lara

Some of you may or may not be familiar with the Veggie Tales. Silly Songs with Larry are some of the most clever children's songs ever written. There are few if any that I don't enjoy. When I first heard, "We Are the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything," I thought it was brilliant.

That was the inspiration for "Go to Boston in the Fall." We decided that we should pay homage to the song by adding something else. Neither Beth nor I particularly wanted to lick a spark plug, sniff a stink bug, or throw our mashed potatoes up against a wall. Instead, we settled on "Paint Daisies on a Big Red Rubber Ball" for the second veggie-themed item on the list.

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YOB: #5. Go To The Beach In Winter (Lara)

By Lara

It has come to my attention that I never gave my perspective on making a sandcastle on the beach in winter. That is going to be my #1 priority today. Right now, in fact.

I believe the concept was born of the fact that neither Beth nor I like to feel hot. The beach is typically reserved for those people who enjoy sweating and sunburns. As I am not someone who enjoys either, I tend to avoid the beach. At least, I used to avoid the beach. Until Kate got a jeep. Assateague Island has an off-roading beach. That is much cooler than a regular beach that you have to walk to.

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YOB: #21. Visit Geppi's Entertainment Museum

By Lara

I have been curious about Geppi's Entertainment Museum since last fall. I heard an advertisement on the radio that they were having a murder mystery dinner party to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the board game Clue. I thought that was super. I probably would have gone if I'd heard about it in time to buy tickets. Alas.

Since I missed my opportunity last year, I suggested that Beth put "Go to Geppi's Entertainment Museum" on the Year of the Birthday list. She did. That brings me to June 15, 2009.

Beth and I are both avid Harry Potter fans. I may have mentioned that there is nothing I love more than a good story. Although that is certainly true, I especially love a well written story. As we can no longer be terribly excited about the new books in the Harry Potter series being released, we have started becoming excited about the new movies instead.

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