Life Is Funny: Fireworks

By MAD21
Our family had an awesome 4th of July. It's one of my kids most favorite holidays. Who can blame them? Good food, family, friends, a parade AND fireworks all in the same day.
We had gotten a great spot to watch the local fireworks that evening. This year was particularly good as many of the neighbors around the area had acquired some pretty cool (albeit illegal) fireworks. We literally had nearly a 360 degree view of fireworks. It was awesome.
At some point in the evening, my oldest asked about why there were so many fireworks going off around us. We just explained which ones were the ones we actually came to see (the town sponsored fireworks), and that the others were from people who were probably having parties and had purchased some for them to enjoy.
When the majority of the large fireworks were done, we collected all of our stuff and started heading back for the car. Some other fireworks started going off in the sky and our youngest got excited yelling, "Look sister! More fireworks!" To which my oldest responded, "That's not for us, that's for the neighborhoods."
Apparently, we were not supposed to watch and enjoy them because they weren't meant for us. It was really funny. They were happy to know that it was ok for us to stop and watch them before we left.
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? has a fun carnival at her blog called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.