Boromir Explained

By Beth
It has been brought to my attention that many readers will not understand my references to Boromir and Captain Jack. Since they have joined Lara and me on some of our birthday adventures and will continue to do so, for my next article, I will attempt to explain my half of the duo, mainly Boromir.
It all began in 1992 with the release of the movie Patriot Games, based on the Tom Clancy novel of the same name. My father had read the book and once the movie was out on video (there were no DVDs yet) he bought it. I was an innocent young girl of 13 or so when I first laid eyes on the character of Sean Miller, as played by Sean Bean, in this movie. An obsession began. Patriot Games quickly became my favorite movie, eclipsing Treasure Island (the one with Charlton Heston and a young Christian Bale *swoon*). I knew the whole movie by heart, could quote all of Sean Bean's lines, in order with a reasonably good Irish accent and even went out and bought the soundtrack. It wasn't just the character of Sean Miller that I loved, I loved the story too.