It's All About Me

Renee, LSWA
I'm the mom of a teenage daughter. Thanks for your sympathy! She's a great girl-beautiful, talented, smart, kind (most of the time)! She's really a good kid and I'm so very proud to be her mom. But even my "good kid" can become easily caught up in the "Me, Me, Me!" pit. Last summer, she won a Go Phone at a Bingo. You can imagine the excitement of the first cell phone. I was wary at first about the whole thing but her dad and I decided she could have it, but she had to earn the money to keep it stocked with minutes. She did odd jobs for friends of the family and her aunts and uncles and she did earn the money. She was never without the phone, waiting for the next "bzzz" to notify her when someone was trying to communicate with her.
Much to my dismay, it became a constant companion and we began to see more of the top of her bent head and less of her beautiful face. As she turned more inward, communication with my daughter changed drastically. I didn't like who my daughter was becoming and I didn't like who I was becoming with her.