Every Day Life: Random Workings of the Human Mind

By Lara
All weekend, I have been unsure about what I would write for my article this week. I did see Beth over New Years, but we didn't have any huge adventures. Beth had just gotten over the flu, so we had a rather low key New Years celebration that involved playing board games and watching DVDs. Granted, sometimes that sort of celebration is nice as well. Still. That doesn't take a lot of words to communicate. You already have the picture in your mind, don't you? Two women sitting around a coffee table with a board on it eating rice krispie treats. There you go.
Earlier, while sitting in Panera enjoying a chicken Caesar sandwich, I started thinking about possible article topics. They had one of those folding advertising things on the table. I was slightly pre-occupied, but started absently reading about their fresh and tender chicken. I only started paying attention to the content of the advertisement once I saw the claim that their chickens are fed "a totally vegetarian diet."
My brain stopped. When it started again, I thought, "Carnivorous chickens, really?"
I wonder how many people per year are brutalized in attacks by voracious chickens. One minute they're scratching around in the dirt; the next minute they're flapping in your face and going for the jugular. I'd like to see more media coverage on these tough and less fresh carnivorous chickens. Perhaps an expose on 20/20 or 60 Minutes...