Educating The Whole Child, For The Whole Of Life, For The Glory Of God

By Jason, M.Ed., M.A.R., Headmaster
“The truth in its wholeness—for the whole child, for the whole of life, for the glory of God—this is what the curriculum is all about.” (Norman E. Harper, Making Disciples)
Our lives are filled with different responsibilities and we take on different roles in fulfilling them. I am a husband, a father, a deacon, a principal, a boss, an employee, a church member, a Sunday School teacher, a student, an American, a Marylander, a University of Maryland alumnus and fan, a friend, a neighbor, a son, a brother, an uncle, etc. I could go on and on ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Sometimes I am called to clean dishes, while at other times I run staff meetings. Within the course of a day, I may go from changing a dirty diaper to writing an article for MAD21, church, or school to counseling an employee to playing with my son and so on. The question: For which of these roles and responsibilities do I need to be educated in God’s truth? The answer: ALL of them.