Who You Know
By Mallory
Here they are, the two questions college students get asked all the time:
1) What's your major?
2) What are you going to do with that?
I figured out question one (for the second time) about a year ago, and it's getting to be that time where I really need to be able to answer question two. I've over half-done my degree. So it's time, I suppose, for me to go do all the things good college students are supposed to do so I won't have to live in a cardboard box someday. For example, this Friday I have an appointment at my school's career services office, where I'm hoping to wrestle out some kind of helpful advice about getting a summer internship. (Yes, for next summer. Notice the panic.) According to the career services office, an internship is pretty much my only hope for getting a job someday. In order to pick the internship I want to apply for, I kind of need to know what kind of job I'd like to have some day, and I really, really don't know that right now.