
Something to Think About
about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Works For Me Wednesday: Gingerbread Houses

By MAD21

Like most people, we have many traditions in our house during the holidays. I think traditions are important. They not only provide opportunities to build the bonds of family, but they are also wonderful memories over the years.

One tradition we have is to build gingerbread houses. Not just for us, but to give away as gifts to grandparents and close friends. They are easy to make, the kids LOVE making them, and the people we give them to look forward to receiving them each year.

For each house, you will need:

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