YOB: #22. Dress Up For Fast Food (Part 2)

By Beth
Don't ask where this one came from. Somewhere in our sick, twisted brains we came up with the idea to dress up and eat at a fast food restaurant. Now, when I say dress up, what comes to mind? When we planned this one, I think Lara and I were both thinking much more elaborately dressed up than what actually happened. But clothing budgets aside, I think we both realized that prom dresses at 30 would be a little depressing. So we both had our Sunday best on and Lara's parents joined us at Wendy's for dinner one night.
I'll admit to being a little disappointed in this one. We didn't get nearly the kind of reaction we were hoping for. In fact, no one really paid us much mind at all. We looked too normal. The only thing that was odd was that we brought our own vase and flower and we took pictures. We simply looked like we were on our way home from a wedding or something.