One Word At A Time: Fellowship

By Ginny (MAD21)
I suppose it's a little like cheating. It's kind of like getting to see the test before having to take it yourself. You'll have to allow me to indulge in this tiny bit of defiance. I could come up with all kinds of good justifications as to why my posts are published the day after Bridget's carnival goes up on her site. Would you believe it's because the timing works better for my blog? Yes, that actually is the real reason.
Honestly, I've come to enjoy reading others' posts before I have published my own, sometimes even before I have finished writing it. Mostly because it makes me think deeper. Sometimes writing for blogs feels like having to complete an assignment. I really don't want it to turn into that here. I've come to enjoy reading the other posts first because then writing mine feels more like a conversation. It feels more... complete. After reading several other posts in the past day, I also realized that it feels more like... Fellowship.
We are all talking about Fellowship over at Bridget's place this week. Fellow blogger Kely over at Dangerous Breeze wrote about fellowship being the church. Amy Sorrells wrote about companionship and communion. These posts came so close to what I was going to write about myself, but then I read Glynn's post over at Faith, Fiction and Friends that I felt went one step further and really hit the nail on the head for me. In his post, "It's not Coffee Talk," he says that, "...Fellowship may be more akin to what Jesus had with the “good thief” on the cross on Golgotha than anything we define it as today."