God Says..."Cast all your cares on me."

By Jason V (Ponderings of a Pilgrim Pastor)
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
As a husband, father and pastor, I face the constant temptation to worry. At our church, with our church members and leaders, in our home, in my marriage- everywhere I face almost constant fears and anxieties.
I am tempted to worry about my children: Will they grow up to love the Lord? Will they fall into trials and temptations that seem to plague so many “pastor’s kids”? Have I messed up in my parenting? Am I too restrictive? Am I too permissive?
I am tempted to worry about our marriage and our household: Will we have enough money to pay for all of life’s expenses? Am I spending enough time with my wife? Am I showing her how much I love her? Is she feeling pressured and overwhelmed by the task of being a “pastor’s wife”? Am I praying for her as much as I should?
At church, I am tempted to anxiety at every turn: Did the visitors like our church? Was my sermon really any good? Will our church grow? Will giving increase? Will we meet our budget? Are our people really growing spiritually? Are we reaching our community? Should we be doing more? How can we?
If I tried to carry the weight of all of these concerns and expectations, they would crush me. Honestly, on some days, I carry too much and I do feel overwhelmed. So what am I supposed to do?