Recipe Search Engine

By MAD21
"Search for natural, delicious, whole food recipes."
Yes, a search engine just for recipes. This one is a really great one. On my first try, I typed in 'bananas' and at the top of the list was an amazing recipe for banana chip cookies (from 101 Cookbooks). You can also type in your favorite chef to see if they have any favorite recipes from them.
While the engine includes recipes from many different sources, Heidi Swanson, the creator of the engine, states: "This search engine will not query each of the sites in its index in its entirety. Instead, I went through each site page by page, cherry-picking the recipes I could imagine cooking in my own kitchen - again, the ones highlighting whole grains, natural sweeteners, a wide range of flours, and plenty of fresh produce. I populated the search engine with those. A couple thousand to start. And while I don't cook with, say, eggplant or okra very often, there are many cooks who I admire that do - this search engine allows me to highlight those cooks and their recipes here."
Just like some of the recipe sites I've talked about before, this one also includes comments from people. So when you find a recipe that looks interesting to you, you can look and see what other people have said about it. Whether it's a good one or not, and maybe some variations you can try until you find one just right for you.