A Challenge to Consider the Person of Jesus

By Jason, M.Ed., M.A.R., Headmaster
“I believe witnesses who get their throats cut.” – Blaise Pascal
I would like to issue a challenge to all skeptics: Try to think of a massive conspiracy in history where 12 ring-leaders maintained their storyline consistently in the face of the death penalty, refusing to recant even when threatened with beheading, crucifixion and being run through with a sword. I have a second challenge: Name one person who has been more universally regarded and admired over the past 2,000 years than Jesus of Nazareth. (Hint: The answer to both challenges is the same: "There isn't one.")
The point of the first challenge is to ask you to seriously consider the truth claims of the Gospels and indeed the whole New Testament. The second challenge should make you weigh why such a consideration should be valuable. Yet I have one more challenge before we proceed: Think of any movement, philosophy, value system, religion or political system which has no jerks, hypocrites, idiots and bozos in its ranks. Of course, there are none. Liberalism and conservatism, atheism and Hinduism, Islam and environmentalism, humanism and astrology all have deeply flawed followers. So does Christianity. It’s not fair to judge any belief system by the actions of its worst believers.