Leaving (Living) A Legacy

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
My daughter leaves for college in just about a month. It is amazing how fast time really flies. It just seems like yesterday when she was born and now 18 years later she is coming into her own. This has obviously sent me reflecting and thinking about my roles and what I want to be remembered for. Was I a good father, was I there when she needed me, and did I instill the proper values into her to last a lifetime? Some of those can be easily answered while the last one won't be answered until the very end. Actually in the end when we come face to face with God we will need to look back and see what legacy we have left. It is that legacy that will define us and it will be that legacy that we will be remembered for. All of us have sinned and fallen short of what God really wants for us but it is how we lived our lives that will be reviewed. We all have our highs and lows throughout our lives. There will be things we wish we could change or things that we wish we had done better. The bottom line though I believe is what have we leave behind, not the tangible items but rather the things that we are truly remembered for.