
Something to Think About
about 12 years ago
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and/or misses you... because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while ...
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Lord of the Rings (1)


YOB: #19. Have a Lord of the Rings Marathon

By Lara

As you may remember, I had surgery on my kidney stone in early October. The whole kidney stone experience is really what derailed our original concept of the Year of the Birthday. However, I think it has evolved into something bigger than what we had first anticipated.

When we still thought that we would be able to accomplish all of the items in one year, we knew that we needed to do something low key while I was recovering from my surgery. In early October, we planned to check the Lord of the Rings marathon off the list.

Beth and I both love the Lord of the Rings movies. It's really one of the few movies that lives up to the literature that it reflects. In fact, I may even like the movies just a little bit better, which never happens.

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