Not Just A Shoe Box Full of Cool Stuff

By Ginny (MAD21)
I love this time of year. Fall is my favorite for many reasons: Beautiful colors; sweaters and sweatshirts; playtime outside without getting eaten alive by mosquitoes; and soccer season are among the things I enjoy. But one of the things I really look forward to is talking to people about one of my most favorite ministries, Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child.
Operation Christmas Child began in 1990 after a Welch couple viewed a television program depicting the horrors that children faced while living in Romanian orphanages. Heartbroken at the sight of malnourished children suffering in overcrowded orphanages, Dave and Jill Cooke began a local campaign to collect Christmas gifts for the children of war-torn Romania. In less than three months, the Cooke’s had rallied support and launched a convoy of nine trucks, carrying £500,000 in aid supplies and thousands of gifts packed inside conveniently sized shoe boxes to bring hope and share the love of Jesus with children in Romania. Three years after its onset, the Wales-based Operation Christmas Child merged in a partnership with Samaritan’s Purse, the international Christian relief organization headed by Franklin Graham. The 1993 merger allowed Samaritan’s Purse to share its 20 years of expertise in relief and aid work with Operation Christmas Child, and expanded the reach of the shoe box gifts to over 28,000 children in the first year. (Source: Stacey Wilson, OCC)
Operation Christmas Child has delivered more than 85 million gift-filled shoe boxes to needy boys and girls in 138 countries worldwide since 1993. The ministry is such a blessing. They don’t just walk into communities and give out the boxes, it’s not just charity, and it’s not random. The OCC Shoe Box ministry is part of a larger program that reaches out to families in countries all over the world where Samaritan’s Purse is established (Latin America, Africa, Haiti, Mexico, Columbia, and many more). They work with churches, hospitals, and other organizations to minister to communities. The Leadership Teams personally invite children in the area to come to a party where they play games, sing and listen to a message… and receive an OCC Shoe Box lovingly packed and prayed over by families all around the world.