YOB: #27. Get A Massage

By Lara
I left my mother's house early last night in order to get home to write this article. I collided with a deer about half a mile from her house. Apparently, I need to do a more thorough search of my co-workers cubicles in order to find the voodoo doll that I'm sure one of them is harboring in my image.
I'm physically fine. My jeep was drivable. I called the sheriff's office. They told me to go home. I did. They called me back regarding the license plate I had left in the road. Sigh. Now that I have filed a claim with my insurance, taken the jeep to the body shop, and gotten a rental car, I just have to work through my moderate animal-lover's guilt and rental car paranoia.
Now. Down to business. The next item on the Year of the Birthday list was "Get a Massage." I had a massage once before. My friend Jill had suggested that we do a spa day. She planned it. Included in the spa day package was: a massage, a facial, lunch, a manicure, a pedicure, and hair styling.