Life Is Funny: You Know You're In New York City When...

By MAD21
Favorite funny things we heard and saw on our weekend in NYC
1. “Arms up.” We were all in our hotel room, some were talking, some were watching TV. In mid-sentence we hear my hubby say, “Arms up!” So a few of us put our arms up and were like, what? My hubby was just referring to something he saw on the TV. Don’t we follow directions well? Or maybe it’s just because we were in NYC.
2. “I don’t appreciate getting dinged at.” There were probably 1000 rickshaws pulling people in the city. We had more issues with them almost running us over than the NYC taxi cabs!
3. Boxing squirrels. When walking through Central Park, we had stopped at one point to look at squirrel sitting on a rock. Someone jokingly said, “Uh, we have squirrels at home.” Just then, another squirrel came up around the other side of the rock and started pounding on the other squirrel. It looked like they were boxing. Which leads us to…