Even The Small Things Are Important

By Pat
I often struggle with feeling inadequate in God's kingdom, and wish that I was in a position to do bigger, better things. I call it the "Mother Theresa" syndrome. It seemed as though the little things I do are very insignificant, and that I am hiding my light under a bushel basket.
But very recently, as I shared those feelings with a friend, I was reminded that sometimes it's the little things that can make the largest impact; in this case, kind words. Just by caring about him, praying for him, and sending words of faith and encouragement, I reminded him that God is at work in his life, and that He loves him. My heartfelt words, although they seemed small to me, impacted him deeply, and I had no idea. When my friend shared with me what a difference my words had made, I was truly surprised. But why? God tells us through scripture of the importance of our words and of the impact they can make, both positive and negative.