Organize This! Set Up a Filing System to Store and Manage Your Paperwork

By Stephanie Calahan (Calahan Solutions, Inc)
Paper! Paper Everywhere! Every horizontal space is covered in piles of the stuff. With all of the talk of our society going “paperless” it has never happened. In fact, we have more paper today than we did 20 years ago and it is still the #1 reason that people contact us.
Why is paper so difficult? Well, for starters, it is hard for people to make decisions about what to do with the paper they have. Sometimes just the thought of letting go of information causes panic attacks.
Clutter of paper (and other items) accumulates for three primary reasons:
Fear of Scarcity
We worry that we might “need it someday.” Right? We fear that the paper holds important information that we need and we are afraid of losing.
When we are in a fear state, we very rarely make good decisions. We are being ruled by negative emotion. The solution is Trust! Trust that you will make good decisions. Trust that the systems that you put in place will work. Most importantly:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your way acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)