It's Back To School And Time For New Routines

By Renee, LSWA
We are in full school mode in our household. All of the supplies have been bought, my husband and I have completed the ream of paperwork that was sent home for our homework and we are getting used to our “school schedule.” As a working mom outside of the home and in the home, organization is critical to combating the chaos that can often surround the busyness of school and school activities. I know some of this may be common sense, but I thought I’d share how our family tries to keep our children thriving and learning and life up and running amidst our new schedules.
1. Set reasonable bedtimes. My kids can be growling bears in the morning if they don’t get enough sleep. This can make wake-up time stressful. There is nothing worse than having to pull your child out of bed, throw clothes on him and push him out the door to the bus stop all in 10 minutes! Not how I like to start my day and probably not the recipe for a successful day of learning. Now there is no magical formula for this. You know your child best but the recommended hours for children ages 6-9 is 10 hours of sleep, ages 10-12, 9 hours of sleep and 8-10 hours for adolescents. For more information go to Kids Health.