Prescription for Hope, Part 2

By MAD21
A few weeks ago I posted Part 1 of my interview with Ashley Wagoner from Prescription for Hope, Samaritan's Purse. A wonderful organization that works with people all around the world to help those affected by and infected with AIDS/HIV. They bring them health care, educational programs, and the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. As promised, here is Part 2 of this series. Thanks again to Ashley and her team for taking the time to talk with us about their experiences.
Prescription For Hope
MAD21: In the communities around the world where PFH ministers to people who suffer from HIV/AIDS, what is the general view of life itself? What kind of value do they place on an individual’s life? Since so many of the people who are infected are outcast from their communities, does anyone care if they live or die?
Ashley: The outlook on life differs, and is dependent on each country where we work. We do come across all sorts of stigmas, mainly due to lack of knowledge about the disease. For example, in many areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, there is a prevailing myth that AIDS is a curse from the ancestral gods. Those who have AIDS are then quarantined, and left to live out their lives in isolation, without true knowledge of the disease. Becoming HIV-positive in these societies can be a lot like receiving a death sentence.