Praying For Respect

By Jason (Connecting to Impact)
Respect carries many different meanings depending on who or what group you’re talking to. To one, it may mean that a child never addresses an adult by their first name, but rather with Mr., Mrs., or Ms. To another, it may mean consistent eye contact. Another might see a weak handshake as a sign or disrespect.
See what I mean? There are lots of definitions, but when we are teaching our children respect, I think we can focus on honoring others above themselves.
"Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king." (1 Peter 2:17)
I’m sure we’ve all witnessed kids who disrespectfully mock their parents to their face. It’s tremendously wrong. And if it begins there at home, the disrespect will expand to other authority figures and even God.
Respect is that important. Thankfully, my wife and I decided long ago that we would have each other’s backs and if we saw anything that looked disrespectful we would call our kids on it.