God Is... Sovereign Creator

By Nick (My Experience As...)
Created by Love
When we approach God one of the hardest things to accept is that He doesn’t need us. As a parent I might have thought at one point I didn’t “need” my children, but they define me. I am a dad. I can’t be a dad without children. More than that, I can’t image my life without them. I need them. They make me whole.
God is nothing like that. He is whole and complete without us. Some may feel that He is “more” with us, but that would make him less than infinite. That is what makes Creation such an incredible event.
For an eternity, that is an infinite span into the past (I say span instead of time because time as we might be able to comprehend didn’t exist because it assumes a beginning), God existed and needed nothing. At some point He made a decision to create. In one instant nothing existing and in the next instant everything existed.
Science points to this instant. In my “I Owe You an Apology” series I delve into this in detail, but there is so much more than just the science. In creating the very foundation of … well everything, God wrote a giant “I love you” across the Universe.