YOB: #17. Try To Get Something Published: Why I Write

By Beth
I’ve been a “writer” most of my life. I’ve written short stories, poems, essays, research papers (but only for college) and have toyed with writing a full-length book for some time now. My earliest attempts at writing are all very similar. Girl is hurt/a servant/the outcast/the new girl; meets boy who is WAY out of her league (even though I didn’t know what “out of your league” meant back then); boy rescues girl and falls in love with girl; boy and girl live happily ever after. That was elementary school. In middle school I wrote mostly about boys I liked with the occasional poem thrown in. Interestingly enough, all the characters in my stories had names that started with the letter J. All of them, no exceptions. I don’t know why I did that, probably some deep psychological problem that will come out when I least expect it.