Trusting God with Our Children

"In raising children, all you can do is your best. We take care of the possible and leave the impossible to God."
- Unknown
Something to Think About...
"In raising children, all you can do is your best. We take care of the possible and leave the impossible to God."
- Unknown
"Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice."
- Unknown
"Five good children are an immense luxury, and to deny one's self other luxuries in order to raise them is not self-denial at all, but merely an intelligent choice of investment."
- Edward Sandford Martin, The Luxury of Children (1904)
“The problem has to do with our willingness as parents, to take responsibility for the upbringing of our children. To pay attention to their interests, to respond to their needs and to recognize that we, as parents and as individuals, have a greater influence on our children and on each other than anything else could possibly have.”
- John Denver
"Sometimes we're so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, we neglect to give them what we did have growing up."
- Dr. James C. Dobson