World Traveler

By TB, Age 13
I'd like to share my recent traveling experience with everyone. I have just very recently, over Spring Break 2009, traveled to the foreign countries of Denmark and Sweden to play soccer. And the experiences and life lessons I learned from there will be with me forever. I learned to take every day as a gift, cherish every moment, and be happy, because you never know what you have until it’s gone. The first few days were rough for me, due to the fact that I was sick, and threw up the second night :/
I couldn't stop thinking about home, and I feel in that time I wasted worrying, I missed a lot of good experiences! I met amazing girls, which I still keep in contact with, and hope to see one again this summer in Delaware as she comes to visit America. I will never forget those times. Through the laughs and the tears, through the blood, the pain, and the injuries, we will always forever be a team.
I was so overjoyed to come home, but when I finally got here, I sulked, and I miss that week extremely so, that it pains me every day to talk to these girls, and we all ball, and cry, and talk about the jokes we had. But I learned something from every mistake I've made, and I hope to revisit that amazing country very soon, and I would recommend it to any and everyone!
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