Why The Walls Are There?

By TB, Age 13
This special note is to parents. I once read a book called The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch. He was a man struck with a terrible cancer, and was due to die in six months. In the time that followed, he put together a lecture explaining his life. A piece of advice, mentioned in that book is one I will never forget. He said that "walls in life are not meant to tear you down; they are meant to make you stronger as a person so you can defeat those walls." As he explains these walls and other things he calls 'head fakes' in life, he asks if anyone noticed why he did all this. Why he put aside everything he should have been doing, and put together a lecture. He mentioned that he did everything, for his family, but mainly for his kids. He wanted them to have something they can look back on and say that their dad was a strong, remarkable man, who they should and will never forget. I would recommend that book to all parents, it will teach you a lot.
[Editors Note: If you are interested in learning more about Randy Pausch, and the amazing things he accomplished before he passed away last July, please visit his website. He was definitely a great example of someone who made the best of a terrible situation.]

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