Do You Ever Wonder, "Why Me?"

By Roger
Did you ever wonder, "Why me?" "I can't handle this now, I wish someone could take this burden from me." Did you ever wonder in the big scheme of things this burden isn't so burdensome. God gave me a burden that when I received it, I thought, "It's all over for me now." Colon cancer. Colon cancer is a killer, low recovery rate, etc. That's what they told me (the doctors and nurses involved). Well a lot of people, including myself knew that God has His own game plan. He calls the shots. Through prayer and chemical treatments my cancer is starting to shrink. I like to think the cancer is dying, not me.
There is one thing I'd like to ask of all of you who read this, and that is for prayer for the many cancer patients at the Chesapeake Cancer Center. There are many patients with all types of cancer who are being treated there. They are a lot worse off than I am. I spend a majority of my time in chemo therapy praying for all friends with their own burdens. As for my burden, it's still there but God is lifting it slowly but surely from my shoulders.

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