Life Is Funny: Mixing Up Words

By MAD21
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? talked me into participating in her blog carnival called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. So. Here we go...
Our oldest daughter has been talking about going to Kindergarten for what seems like forever. So when the time finally came for her to go, to say she was excited is an understatement.
As the day got closer, I could tell she was starting to get more apprehensive because she kept asking me about what Kindergarten would be like. At this point I should explain that my daughter has been going to part-time preschool for two years and LOVES school. She loves everything about it: friends; teachers; play; hearing stories and reading them; learning; and HOMEWORK (Yes, I got that in writing!)
So the day finally arrived and we took her to her class and got her all settled in, happy as a clam. I picked her up from school and she excitedly told me all about her day. That evening Daddy came home from work early so we could go out to dinner to celebrate her first day of school.
After we ordered our meals and were settled in and playing with crayons and paper wrappings, my daughter simply states, "Mommy. I think I'm well digested to Kindergarten." I thought I had heard her wrong (happens a lot). I asked her to say it again, and again she said, "Ya, I'm well digested to Kindergarten. I like it a lot." I asked her, "Do you mean you are well Ad-justed to Kindergarten?" She said, "Yep!" And went on coloring and discussing her day.
I'm thinking vocabulary might be something we need to work on?

Reader Comments (3)
That is so cute.
So good to know that kindergarten is eating your daughter and that she likes it. I guess that would be the next logical step after liking homework. ;o)
SNORT. That's like when my 1st-grader learned what omnivore means and used it correctly, but she called it "arm-nibbler."