Jumping In, Taking Risks, Trusting God

By MAD21
When you have an idea to do something new, it can be very scary to take that leap. Especially when it's something that the world can see. If you do well, that's great! If you fail, well, everyone will see that, too.
This entire blogging experience has been a total walk of faith for me. I had no idea where God was going to take it [or will continue to take it!]. After only five months, it has already grown into something so much bigger and better than I had ever anticipated. It has been such a blessing to me. To say I have enjoyed working with the friends who help to contribute to it would be an understatement. I honestly pray that this experience has blessed them as much as it has me.
One of the greatest things that has happened since beginning this blog, is meeting new friends and building a community. I love reading all the comments and blogs of our new friends. It seems we all share in the desire to show the world that one at a time, we all can Make A Difference.
Some of our new friends have agreed to join our team in our mission to help build strong families. Megan from Steps For Brady was the first, then Kevin from Shooting the Breeze, and now Peter from Rediscovering the Church will be a regular contributor.
I'll let Peter introduce himself: "I am a husband, stay-at-home dad, house church pastor, blogger, aspiring author and small business owner who tries to make God the center of everything I do. I'd love to say I'm successful in at least one of those things, but the truth is I'm walking out my salvation and learning and struggling just like you. It's a great honor to be allowed to write for this site and share with you some of what I'm learning along the way."
To give you a taste of what you can expect from Peter, go and read what he wrote last week about self esteem. Two amazing articles about needing to change our focus regarding how we see ourselves, and building up our children so they can see themselves how God sees them. One is for girls/women called "Rediscovering Self Esteem," and the other is of course for boys/men called, "Rediscovering Young Men."
I can't end this post without also thanking all my new friends on Twitter [and you know who you are!] for helping me so much on this journey. I thank all of you for your helpful comments and suggestions and not so gentle nudges to jump in and try new things.
I look forward to continuing this journey with the friends who started this mission with me, without whom this project would have failed from the start, and with all of our new friends who have joined us since.
I praise God everyday for the amazing people He has brought into my life who have joined me in my passion to help families. I pray that He continues to build this community and guide us all to fulfill His purposes.
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks for inviting me to be a part of this blog! I am honoured to be a part of this community. I am excited to see what God is going to continue to do through this blog!
I look forward to reading lots more, and I'm glad you're making a difference and obeying God! Also nice to see you come out of that shell on twitter. :)
“I'd love to say I'm successful in at least one of those things, but the truth is…”
The Truth is one day you are going to hear the words, "Well done my good and faithful servant" So I’d say you ARE successful.
Thanks, keep up the good successful work.
Amen and amen! So glad I've gotten to "meet" you. Keep up the good work.