What Can We Do For Haiti?

By MAD21
When an earthquake happens in California, it may get our attention, but it's such a normal occurrence, most of us don't give it much thought. However, when a similar earthquake hits an area already suffering from poor infrastructure and appropriate housing codes, it is, to say the least, devastating.
Many of us here feel so helpless. Once the money is donated, then what? If a disaster happens in our own neighborhoods, it's easy to go out and help. Look at the devastation from Hurricane Katrina. People opened their homes to the now homeless, medical personnel, construction workers, and many more jumped in their cars and traveled down to help. It's been years, and we are still trying to help them rebuild. Even with the resources of our country and allies, they are still building, they are still healing. What is this going to mean for a country that doesn't have the same resources? For a city who has lost almost everything, and so many of it's citizens?
We pray. We give. We pray some more.
For those of us who are not able to physically help the suffering people who are in Haiti, it is our task to do two things. First, we must sacrifice. Give whatever we can to financially help those who can go to give aid. Second and even more important... we can pray. Here is a short list:
- Pray for more medical services and supplies.
- Pray for the rescuers to find those still lost in the rubble.
- Pray for those who won't be found soon enough.
- Pray for the parents who have lost their children.
- Pray for the children who have lost their parents.
- Pray for the missionaries who are looking for their staff, and those they serve.
- Pray for wisdom for all of the governments/countries that are coming to aid.
- Pray for wisdom for the government of Haiti.
- Pray for safety from disease for those who have survived.
- Pray for clean water and food.
- Pray that there will be love and compassion, not hate and violence.
- Pray for all of those who are working. For strength, courage, safety and health.
And above all of this, pray that God will shower his love and mercy over everyone involved. For the rescuer and the rescued. That they may Know him. Pray that even within this horrific event, that the love of God will shine through all the death and dust. May he be glorified through this destruction.
If you haven't had the chance to donate already, here are some great organizations that are already there helping.
There are also two missionary blogs that I have been following for awhile. They both live in Haiti and are giving regular updates to what has been happening around them. I encourage you to go and support them however you can as well. Let them know you are praying for them.
Troy and Tara The Livesay [Haiti] Weblog (World Wide Village & Heartline Ministries)
Deborah & Kyrk Baker Baptist Haiti Mission (Partners with Samaritan's Purse)
We simply cannot turn a blind eye to what is happening. I know we must go on with our own lives here. We have our regular responsibilities and families to take care of. But we can't just allow this to be a passing thought. We cannot be like the media and forget those that are still suffering in a few weeks after the newness of the situation has worn off.
We must be the hands and feet of Jesus and not forget. We must take care of them. It's what we'd hope people would do for us and our children. It's what God expects us to do for them.

Here is another blog from Haiti that I stumbled on this afternoon that is giving updates.

Reader Comments (1)
Praying! Thanks for the wise words and great info, Ginny.