Prayer Requests and Stories From Haiti

By MAD21
"Please pray for the victims of the earthquakes, especially those who are still searching through the rubble looking for lost loved ones," said Jack Munday, Director of the Rapid Response Team. "Pray also for our team as they bring hope and comfort in the midst of this disaster."
World Vision Magazine: Haiti: Hope in the Heartbreak. The story of an 18-month old survivor and his family.
World Vision Report: I was really regretting my choice of wardrobe in that moment... by Amelia de Sousa. A UN employee who was at work when the earthquake hit.
Troy and Tara, The Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: Short Stories.
Bakers in Haiti, Report from Today (Saturday, January 16th).
Billy Graham Evangelical Association, Messages From Haiti.
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Planes Being Redirected.
Dave Toysen, President CEO World Vision Canada, reports over Twitter: "I met a father - two children at his side - living in a park. He's not sure how they will eat. He is s a teacher but his school is now rubble. I asked if there was anything else he wanted to share. He replied, "Pray that God will notice us." "
" Come to me, all you who are
weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Friend Sarah Salter received an email from a friend who is a missionary in Haiti. She included the following message and prayer requests:
We have heard from our contacts that there is a mental shift from shock to desperateness among the quake victims. This is what complicates relief assistance. Regional Ministry Coordinator Darrel Clowers, Over Seas Ministry Coordinator, Dan Clowers and Matt Bennett Director of People to People will be making a trip in Saturday.
This is what we know about the situation:
1. There isn't a quick fix for Haiti. But, God can rebuild Haiti and we want to be a part of it. A long-term commitment needs to be made to Haiti with missionary support and short-term teams. As you can imagine the need is great and much of our time will be spent in Haiti. We are asking for ministry funds. Please send finances to:
World Missions Ministries
PO Box 12609
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
ministry account # 66044
2. It appears that the infra-structure of Haiti has been decimated.
3. The only hope is Jesus Christ.
4. Medical needs are beyond description.
5. Our Haitian leaders are well
6. A wall around the compound has fallen but the building fine.
Specific Prayer Requests:
1. Preservation of life
2. Expansion of the Gospel
3. Open doors of effective ministry
4. Financial needs
5. Medical needs
6. A portable Field Hospital
7. Portable water systems "Aqua paks" by Solar solutions
8. Protection of ministry teams
9. Revelation of God's order for the restoration of Haiti
10. Continued strengthening and grace for the situations that the missionaries will face.
11. Full time missionaries for Haiti
12. Pray that the earthquakes will cease.
Thank you for standing with us. We know that Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We also know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We also know that God has placed us here for such a time as this.
We need your prayers and assistance.
In Christ,
Darrel and Bonnie Clowers
RMC to the Caribbean.
iWIN Director of the LAMCAR Region

Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for keeping us all informed and aware of the needs and how we can all help...