Every Day Life: Renaissance Festival

By Lara
As many of our faithful readers know, Beth and I have put a lot of thought and effort (and flexibility) into our new list. With that flexibility comes the sad truth that we do not get to see each other as often as we would like to. Therefore, we will not be able to write about an item from the list every week because we haven't necessarily accomplished an item from the list every week. That brings me to this week's article. It was suggested that I write about "every day life." I think I can handle that.
This weekend, I managed to wrangle two of my co-workers into attending the Maryland Renaissance Festival with me. I have been to the fair before (usually tied tightly into a time-period costume), but my co-workers had not. I tried to prepare them for the experience without scaring them away. If you have never been the the Ren Fest before, please understand that it tends to attract some very eccentric people.
I enjoy people watching. It's my favorite part of most adventures. The Ren Fest is no exception. There was a large crowd to observe. We saw people dressed in beautiful ornate costumes, slightly more authentic costumes, obviously homemade costumes, and completely random costumes. There were ninjas and storm troopers and furries, oh my! There was even a guy in neon yellow spandex and a Rapunzel wig. Good times.
My co-workers were interested in the shopping and jousting respectively. Maeli picked out some hand-crafted hair accessories, and Bethany took some wonderful photos of the horses. I ate some funnel cake fries. It's my new favorite food invention. Oh. That and fried pickles.
By the time that we limped back through the castle gates to our vehicle, we all felt that the adventure had been a successful one. I believe they were making plans to bring more of our co-workers next year. They were also discussing costume options. I just requested that I not be tied into anything. I enjoy breathing too much.
Lara works for the Department of Defense. She would tell you more, but then she'd have to hunt you down and, well, you know... She enjoys spending time with friends, building sand castles on the beach in winter and going on international adventures. Lara and Beth M. were the brains behind our fun series on the Year of the Birthday. We are thankful they have decided to continue the fun with the Bucket List.

Reader Comments (1)
how come you didn't go as Spock?