Compassion Sunday

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
We are speaking about love! As I mentioned in my previous post my church is doing a church-wide study called the "40 Days of Love." Basically we are examining the relationship principles that Jesus calls us to. Week two is about loving others as Jesus did. Jesus calls us to love the unloved, the widows and orphans and the poor. This is a perfect lead in for my ministry with Compassion.
Just a little background- Every advocate and sponsor that is involved with Compassion would love to have a Compassion Sunday at their church. This is a global event in which churches speak of Compassion's ministry and encourage child sponsorships. I have presented at several churches and have always be thankful for the opportunity. I guess the "Holy Grail" is being able to present at your own church. It is an opportunity to bring the ministry home. Over a year and half ago my pastor approached me about having a Compassion Sunday at our church. Needless to say I was thrilled but it took awhile to nail things down. Last spring we discussed doing it during the summer or as part of this study. God's timing is perfect! The message for week two would be the ideal tie-in. Loving others as Jesus loved us. Even better they wanted to tape an interview with me and then follow up "live" on stage with some final thoughts.
....And the Results are in.... I must admit I was a little reluctant toward the taped interview. I wasn't sure how effective it would be. Overall it turned out great and tied my testimony right into the message. I have often spoken how meeting my sponsored child changed my life when I saw how much she loved me for what I was doing in her life. Love is about relationships and both of us were impacting each other. The wrap up challenged the congregation to make a difference. All told we had 23 children sponsored in one morning. Based on attendance this was 5% of the congregation becoming new sponsors. In today's economy this is an excellent response and my wait was well worth it.
My challenge to you is to make a difference. Love like Jesus did and love unconditionally without thinking about cost. Sponsor a child. Invite me to your church, MOPS group, Bible Study or whatever. I would love to speak to you about Compassion. In fact I will bring some children along (packets of course) that would love to have a sponsor. Together we can have a huge impact on the Kingdom. Just let me know.
Chuck is a Christian husband and father who has served in part-time ministry for 17 years, and is a deacon at his church. He has been a Compassion International Advocate/Area Coordinator for several years, finding families to sponsor Compassion children throughout the world. His passion is letting others know how important it is to release children from poverty. Be sure to check out his blog, Sharing Compassion.
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