Blizzard 2010

By MAD21
Well, I am happy to report that we survived the storm. I can only give an estimate as to how much we actually got at our house, but it was well over two feet.
We spent the entire day yesterday trying to find our driveway, dig out hubby's car, and start on the sidewalks. We also went down and helped two other neighbors. Thankfully, one of them brought their snowblower down to our house and helped us find the end of our driveway, which of course, will go totally missing again once the snow plows begin work in our development--I'm wondering where all that snow from the road is going to go.... I'm guessing we will have huge mountains lining our roads...
The screens on the windows were covered when we woke up, and the snow was piled up against the sliding door on the deck. All of our bushes were just covered in heavy snow.
An amazing amount of snow on our deck. You can barely see the girl's picnic table.
We removed about five inches of snow off the trampoline the night before. This morning it measured 19 inches. Do the math.. 19 inches deep, 16 foot trampoline... That is A LOT of snow to remove. The picture on the left shows the only pine tree we lost (just outside the fence). It was going to go this spring anyway when we do some drainage work on that part of the property.
Our pine trees were really weighted down. Praying hard we don't lose them.
I took these at 11:00am. Snow measured 21 inches. I have never had to dig out the gate.
I love this little cow. He sits on our 'Welcome' sign in our flowerbed. The snow hanging off our roof was SO COOL. These pictures just don't do it justice. These formations grew throughout the day. They looked a little like seashells.
I could not resist this picture of Bailey watching the men dig out the end of our driveway. She was afraid of the snowblower but not so much she wanted to leave. But she stayed right behind me as I shoveled the sidewalk. Can you see how deep the snow is next to the driveway???? Took all day to shovel/snowblow that!
The beauty after the storm. God is good.
Today we will go back out and finish up the sidewalks and then get to the real fun of building our forts, snowmen and sledding path. The girls have asked to try and build an igloo. That should not be a problem with this much snow.
More fun to come?
As if over two feet of snow during one event wasn't enough... We have another storm that is supposed to dump even more on us Tuesday or Wednesday.

Reader Comments (3)
Dang...that's some serious snow.
Wow... I'm jealous, but not of the shoveling! :) Beautiful!
Those are some great pictures. Hope you had lots of fun out there (you know, besides the shoveling). :)