Living For Today

By Pat
Last night we got some snow, a very heavy, wet snow. I went out in the morning armed with my shovel and began the daunting task of clearing the driveway and also the road we share with neighbors, but after a very short time, I knew this would be no easy chore. The snow was like concrete, and after a while it became clear to me that I would be shoveling for quite some time and I became discouraged. I looked at the area I had done, but it was so small compared to what was still ahead of me. And so, slowly and painstakingly I continued on, and I discovered that if I kept myself focused on what I was doing and what I had finished rather than on what was still to be done, I felt more able to continue on with confidence that I would be able to finish. But in looking at what was still before me, I wanted to simply give up, thinking I would never get it all done.
It's easy for me to allow the same mentality to overtake me in my daily life. I look too much at the future, worrying and wondering how I will pay certain bills...or will I someday find a new career? Will my husband finally find a new and better job? Will my business pick up? Will my learning-disabled granddaughter learn the things required of her, and will she have friends? What is God's plan for me"? The future is uncertain... tomorrow is not promised.