Life Is Funny: Boys Are Gross

By MAD21
About a month ago, we went over to the "new" house of some family friends to help them paint and get ready to move in. The husband half of the couple, Mr. D, had the job of keeping all the kids entertained, their three and our two. He did a great job. They had a lot of fun going down to the river behind the house and hiking along the wooded areas. They collected tadpoles, jumped over logs and ran from a snake. All-in-all a terrific day.
My girls were finishing up dinner one night last week. They were sitting at the table and I was doing the dishes. They were chatting about how much they enjoy playing outside and going on hikes. They said they'd really like to go back over to our friend's house to "play in the forest" again, and started recounting all the fun they had had on their last adventure. After a short pause... was this the conversation:
Oldest: "Mommy...boys are gross."
Me: "Uuum, why?"
Oldest: "Well, when we were down in the forest, we had a lot of fun."
Me: "Uuh, ok. How does that make boys gross?"
Oldest: "Boys do weird things."
Me: "Like what?"
Oldest: "Well, we were all down in the forest playing, and Mr. D went to the bathroom in his pants. Boys are just really gross."
Me: "He did what?"
Oldest: "Ya. Mr. D went off into the forest and went potty and he didn't even pull his pants down."
Me: "Ya, well, they do that sometimes. Finish up your dinner. We'll talk about it later."
Oldest: "So gross."
I talked to our friend over the weekend and told him what happened. After I gave him a hard time for peeing in the forest (such a gross boy-thing to do!), we had a good laugh. He said he thought he was far enough away from everyone that no one noticed, but that later his son had called him out for doing it. I "thanked" him for bringing it to our daughter's attention that boys are gross. I suppose now is as good a time time as any other for her to figure that out!
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? has a fun carnival at her blog called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.

Reader Comments (7)
Yes, I urinated on a tree. 50 yards from where the kids were - but like you said, my son just HAD to call me out and make sure everyone knew. In my opinion, he was the one being gross! :)
Ya. I kind of assumed she never would have noticed if your son hadn't said anything. Still... it is pretty funny.
Yep, we're gross, but I've made my peace with it. :)
If only this were the grossest thing boys did! My brother & the other boys in the neighborhood used to hold me down and tickle me till I threw up. And one of them used to do that spit thing where they hold you down & pretend they're going to spit on you, but they just let the spit dangle real close to your face & then suck it back up. Ewwwww!
Ew, ew, EW! Sarah. Ugh. I'm glad my brother was so much older than me and didn't do this kind of stuff. Ew, ew.
Jason- we love you anyway.
Hmm... He peed on a tree... The alternative would have been more gross...
Those silly boys, peeing in their pants. What ARE they thinkin'? ;o)