Life Is Funny: Levers

By MAD21
I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day. It was a very sunny and hot day here, so our choices of activities was a little limited. After some discussion about what my hubby wanted to do on his day, we decided to go to a mall that is a little more than an hour away from us. Yes. He chose to go to a mall.
Now, before you take his man-card away, realize that this is a HUGE mall that has some awesome stores in it. One being the Bass Pro Outlet store because it has a fish tank bigger than my living room and dining room combined. But there is one other store that we love going to. And that is the LEGO store.
We spent probably an hour in there playing and looking around. We designed some people to take home with us, which is fun because you get to choose parts from head-to-toe and also an accessory. So we now have binoculars, a push broom, and a chainsaw (hahaha!). Then we went to the wall of LEGOs to pick some to take home with us. The cool thing is that they have two different sized containers you can choose from (we chose the smaller for $7.99) that you can fill as full as you can. The best part is that the lid doesn't even have to stay on. So you can basically get whatever you can get so long as it's not falling out of the container.
So we had a mission, hubby and I... cram as many things as we could into this small container. We started out with the big stuff and choosing things we knew we wanted to add to our collection, and then... we just started grabbing whatever we could to fill in all the holes. Once we thought we had crammed as much as we could into the container, we headed to the cash register. Happy. Mission accomplished (though there was still a little rattle, I don't think we could have gotten anymore in).
We eventually made it home with our new treasures. The day had been long, so we sent the girls in for some much needed rest-time, and yes, so hubby and I could play without distraction (we are being truthful here, aren't we??). We dumped out our LEGO container and started going through all the loot, building stuff along the way, to see what we could build just using all the new parts. We got to a point when we couldn't stop laughing because it seemed we had a lot of levers. It got to the point when we had A-LOOOT of levers... 63 to be exact. I had to count them because they were just everywhere. Apparently in our haste to fill in all the holes in the container, we both unknowingly grabbed a bunch from the bin of levers.
Of course, all I could think of was Yzma in The Emperor's New Groove when she states, "Why do we even have that lever??!" (It's about 45 seconds into the clip.. though this whole thing is hilarious.)
Here are some of the things we built with all of our new LEGO parts:
A little garden with the two lego people our girls designed, complete with chainsaw and binoculars; A dune buggy.
Race cars.
Our farmer with most of the levers (they make good look crops, don't they?)
We came across this AWESOME little tool. It's a "brick separator." I thought I would share it with you all in case you didn't know they existed and have as much trouble as we do getting the little pieces apart. It works great!
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? has a fun carnival at her blog called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.

Reader Comments (5)
I love Legos. Best toy ever. I beg my son to play with his so I can get down on the floor and help.
I have four sons, so we SWAM in Legos for closets are still crammed with them because they don't want me to throw them away!
I loved your "crops" -- so cute! I know that Brick Separator well.
Come on over sometime for some mom inspiration and encouragement.
Dang it. I was going to clean my room this evening, but now I want to play legos.
I love that you and your husband play legos. Smirk.
And that you grabbed a TON of levers. LOL
And something is disturbing about this comment.
"We designed some people to take home with us"
DS- You are all kinds of funny :o)
My daughter totally needs one of those brick separators. Of course, she'd probably lose it. Maybe she should keep it with her levers...