YOB: # 30. Have an International Dinner (Part 2)

By Lara
I honestly don't remember how International Dinner got on the Year of the Birthday List. I know that I must have suggested it. As you have already read, Beth would never have suggested that. I think I envisioned multiple guests each bringing their favorite international dish for our sampling pleasure.
Obviously, it didn't work out that way.
I think my order at the International House of Pancakes consisted of a hamburger and mozzarella sticks. I don't think there is anything less international about that meal. I just wanted it to count because I was feeling anxious about getting the list finished.
Once I realized that the list wasn't going to get finished anyhow, I relaxed a little bit. That didn't stop me from wanting to get a little bit further into the 30 items. I had planned to take Beth to a Japanese Steak House. After all, Beth has been to Japan. Surely, she would like something there, right? Apparently, the only thing she liked in Japan was goyza. Also, I started having flashbacks of people with giant spatulas throwing food at me.
I decided that we could go to Chopstix instead. There was a variety of Asian food to choose from, and it is definitely international.
I enjoyed some avocado rolls, egg rolls, and vegetable fried chicken while Beth found some of the only Japanese/Chinese food that she enjoys. It wasn't exactly what I imagined, but it was tasty, and it was fun. Honestly, everything that Beth and I do together is fun.
We are seriously considering revising the Year of the Birthday (extended due to popular demand) list. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I'm more than just a little bit confident that it holds more adventures. They may not be the adventures that we planned, but that makes life more interesting. As long as we continue making memories together, I'm sure that Beth and I will both be content. Well, as content as we can be considering our collective wanderlust.
[Editor's Note: If you missed Beth's version of YOB #30. Have an Internaitonal Dinner,
be sure to go read it HERE.]

Reader Comments (4)
This post just made me hungry! I know I might come off sounding like a tool, but what does YOB stand for?
DS- You are one of our favorite tools, it's stands for "Year of the Birthday."
Young Outrageous Bombshells
Beth- ... HAHAHAHA!! I like that one better. Run with it :o)